
Twitter Takes Forever To Load

  1. Lucy Davies's Avatar

    Whenever I get a few notifications from Twitter I pull the screen down to see what ones they are but when I click on one it will take ages to show me the tweet & after I've read it I press back to go to my news feed & that will take ages to load too. Sometimes i click on one notification & it will be nice & quick. How can I get Twitter be be quick like it use to be?

    Posted via the Android Central App

    08-15-2016 08:00 AM

  2. VidJunky's Avatar

    It sounds like there may be a few things going on here. Either you're in a poor coverage area or your device is bogged down or possibly both. When I say bogged down it could be bogged down with a high demand for data or by a high demand for memory. With the former it can seem like you are in a low coverage area, so if you're sure you're in a good coverage area or you're on WiFi let's start there. Open your settings and go to data. Look there at what is using data, and what is using the most data. If nothing seems out of place there good, but if you notice some app that you barely open or use in the highest percentage of use you may want to limit its background usage. This will essentially cause it to access most of its background data over WiFi and as long as you don't notice any abnormal issues from this it would probably be safe to just leave it in this state. It will access data normally if you open the app or are using it so no fear that you're cutting it off. Anyway memory usage can create a laggy response in an app and it's not always the use in the app that is laggy causing the lag. You can go about this on your own but there are a lot of small apps that will clear your caches and free up memory. CCleaner is one, but whatever app you get avoid automated apps for this. They drain battery power, usually result in a few more issues than they solve, and it's not something that has to be done constantly, usually. You should be able to go in and clear your cache and get rid of junk files once a week or so to keep your device running smoothly, daily is too much, but you may find that it can be monthly and be enough. The other thing when it comes to memory that will bog you down is SMS. If you have thousands of messages, and hundreds of MMS you will notice a lag after some time. Keep a tidy in box and you may find that many of your issues will go away in all of your apps. If you're keeping things because you can't bare to let go, find a backup app and keep only those things you must have and let the rest go.

    08-15-2016 08:24 AM

  3. Lucy Davies's Avatar

    Originally Posted by VidJunky

    It sounds like there may be a few things going on here. Either you're in a poor coverage area or your device is bogged down or possibly both. When I say bogged down it could be bogged down with a high demand for data or by a high demand for memory. With the former it can seem like you are in a low coverage area, so if you're sure you're in a good coverage area or you're on WiFi let's start there. Open your settings and go to data. Look there at what is using data, and what is using the most data. If nothing seems out of place there good, but if you notice some app that you barely open or use in the highest percentage of use you may want to limit its background usage. This will essentially cause it to access most of its background data over WiFi and as long as you don't notice any abnormal issues from this it would probably be safe to just leave it in this state. It will access data normally if you open the app or are using it so no fear that you're cutting it off. Anyway memory usage can create a laggy response in an app and it's not always the use in the app that is laggy causing the lag. You can go about this on your own but there are a lot of small apps that will clear your caches and free up memory. CCleaner is one, but whatever app you get avoid automated apps for this. They drain battery power, usually result in a few more issues than they solve, and it's not something that has to be done constantly, usually. You should be able to go in and clear your cache and get rid of junk files once a week or so to keep your device running smoothly, daily is too much, but you may find that it can be monthly and be enough. The other thing when it comes to memory that will bog you down is SMS. If you have thousands of messages, and hundreds of MMS you will notice a lag after some time. Keep a tidy in box and you may find that many of your issues will go away in all of your apps. If you're keeping things because you can't bare to let go, find a backup app and keep only those things you must have and let the rest go.

    I understand that when I'm out & about Twitter maybe slow to load due to coverage etc but it's even slow on WiFi. I went into settings then data & found YouTube is at the top using over 600MB's but I use YouTube everyday so don't think that's abnormal. Are apps like CCleaner really that good? I heard they slow phones down & to avoid them. I have quite a lot of texts so maybe that's one thing I could sort out.

    Posted via the Android Central App

    08-15-2016 10:21 AM

  4. VidJunky's Avatar

    Too much of anything can be bad. So that's why I only recommend DIY apps and not auto apps, and if I didn't I usually recommend that you install as needed and remove them when not. It's usually the apps that run in the background that slow things down and strain batteries. CCleaner has a good rep, but I also always recommend finding an app that you're comfortable with how ever you decide what's good or not. Try cleaning up your texts and see if that helps then go from there.

    08-16-2016 01:01 AM

  5. Lucy Davies's Avatar

    I cleared my cache & went from 10GB of memory used to 8GB. Also deleted a lot of texts & now have under 10 texts & Twitter seems a little bit faster but still not like it use to be. Also I thought Android closed apps down if it needed the extra ram as I leave all my apps open I'm the background. Heard leaving them open does nothing.

    Another thing I'm getting now is all my apps & my one widget all disappear then all come back after exiting Twitter. Why is this?

    Posted via the Android Central App

    08-16-2016 05:11 AM

  6. doogald's Avatar

    Uninstall Twitter and then reinstall it. See if that helps.

    08-16-2016 07:12 AM

  7. VidJunky's Avatar

    Android has made huge improvements in memory management but it still has some weaknesses. For example SMS overload. Your SMS app wants to have the maximum number of texts at your beckon call and because it's looking for texts all the time the conflict exists where it may compete for resources with other apps. The simple thing here tho, and most don't get it, is to simply power down the device one in awhile. Powering down prompts many apps to dump their own caches and clean up their own mess. However with people feeling the need to stay connected 24/7 this simple but effective tool goes unused. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people say the only time they power down is when the device dies on them. Which if you're wondering is not good, I man allowing the device to power off due to lack of charge. Anyway regularly restarting your device is a healthy practice, at least something like every 4 or 5 days helps. Then any time you're carrying thousands of messages, messaging apps just weren't designed to do that, they can get a little screwy. Facebook is another resource hog and if not properly managed can tap your resources. It's gotten better over the years but there was a time when it would all but shutdown your device. Most could forego a cache cleaner if they'd just restart their devices regularly. IMO.

    08-16-2016 08:00 AM

  8. tube517's Avatar

    The stock Twitter app is inconsistent, slow and laggy. Like the FB app, it needs alot of work and just bogs down the whole phone sometimes.

    It has improved over the years but still needs alot of work

    08-16-2016 08:34 AM

  9. Lucy Davies's Avatar

    For some reason Twitter seems to be a little bit faster today & all I've done it cleared the cache as I had a message come up saying unfortunately Twitter has stopped. Seem to get this everytime Twitter updates. Still gonna try uninstalling it & reinstalling it.

    Posted via the Android Central App

    08-18-2016 07:19 PM

  10. Lucy Davies's Avatar

    Ok I uninstalled it & reinstalled Twitter & dark mode has disappeared. I did have dark mode but it's not there now. Will it get added in a later update?

    Posted via the Android Central App

    08-19-2016 08:59 AM

  11. RPTN's Avatar

    I've been having the same issue, it only affected Twitter and some of the Google App notifications causing this strange lag while opening. I found that by stopping the Google Now application the lag was gone and new push notifications would appear from other applications, the notifications would flood in seconds after using a force stop on the Google app.

    In the end I uninstalled the upgrade and I'm using the stock version that's bundled by default. Version 6.x works great and the bug affects Version 7.x

    I'm using Android N on a LG G5.

    I also experienced this bug with my LG G Pad aslo running Android N, that's when I started digging around for the cause. On my LG G5 I did a factory reset and it's now working fine using the Google App version 7.x.

    On the tablet I'm trying to fix the issue without doing a factory reset, installing and reinstalling fails to fix the issue with version 7. Clearing cache did nothing.

    07-09-2017 05:35 PM

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Twitter Takes Forever To Load


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